
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Education funding threatens other Montgomery County agencies

Double raises for school system employees and a change in state law could threaten the budgets of other county agencies, according to a county Office of Legislative Oversight report released Tuesday.
Counties must provide, per-pupil, the same amount of education funding each year under Maryland’s maintenance of effort law. When enrollments rise, education funding increases.
The county would have to divert money from other agencies to pay for the increased school funding if revenue does not also increase, according to the OLO report.
Early projections show Montgomery County government facing a $71 million budget gap going into fiscal 2014, thanks to in part to slow revenue growth and $30 million required to meet MOE and pension funding regulations.
Unless state law changes, Councilman Philip M. Andrews (D-Dist. 3) of Gaithersburg said it would be fiscally irresponsible to fund the school system above the statutory minimum...article continues at link...
 Gazette:  With budget gap projected, schools might not get more than minimum

1 comment:

  1. Each time I see the 'outrage' from the county council their hypocrisy amazes me. A larger school age population is being caused by the over-the-top, unsustainable development that this Council and their Planning Board keep approving. Where do they think children come from? cabbage patches? One obvious way to slow the school population growth is to limit the no-holds-barred development being approved by this council. Voters and citizens will remember this in 2014 when it is election time.


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