
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Inspector General Report: 13 Elementary Schools Deny Recess as Punishment

In 2011, the Parents' Coalition exposed that MCPS had deceived the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) on a grant application.  MCPS was awarded a $66,000 USDA grant based on the deception.

The deception was that MCPS administrators certified to the USDA that recess was never used as punishment in MCPS. 

That deception was investigated by the Montgomery County Office of the Inspector General (OIG). The OIG found 13 elementary schools where recess was denied as a form of punishment.  

In the OIG's October 1, 2012 Report, it is revealed that MCPS told the Inspector General that regulations would be developed to address the use of recess as punishment.  

Has that happened? Of course not.

Hey, once you deceive the federal government what's another fib to the local Inspector General!  MCPS has already got the $66,000 grant from the USDA! Who cares if they actually deserved it?
A Complainant alleged that when all MCPS elementary schools applied for a grant from the USDA, the application stated that the schools did not deny recess to students as punishment for misbehavior. The complainant provided information indicating that two elementary schools did deny recess as punishment. The OIG found that 13 MCPS elementary schools denied recess as punishment, according to their policies posted on the internet. 
MCPS responded that staff were reviewing local school discipline policies, that steps were being taken to remedy inconsistencies with Board of Education policy and MCPS regulations, and that guidelines regarding recess would be developed.


  1. Our elected officials at the Board of Education deliberately lied to a Federal agency, the US Department of Agriculture. The completed a Federal form, signed it, and submitted it. Not just once. 13 times. Just think if you did something like that -- submitted false information to the Federal government. One would think it wouldn't only be the county IG who would be interested in this issue. Where is the Federal government? Did the IG notify the Federal government?

  2. My child was denied recess in order to do homework. All this while being denied an IEP for special education services she clearly needed. Then, after she and other students became "lost" during a poorly organized trip to the zoo, she was punished-- her consequence was missing the school's very popular shad trip to Eastern Shore. Which would have been ILLEGAL had she been properly coded for special education. Look at who misses recess and you will see-- GASP-- often kids who have behavioral and learning challenges, the very ones who need it most.

  3. Which school? What is the name of the principal?

  4. ???? Westbrook ES has a "shad" program:

    And is this where they went? Looks nice!

    And if so, the obvious question is WHO PAYS?

  5. If your child was denied recess, it would help us all if you would write a letter to the USDA stating that, providing evidence, and stating to them that the BOE stated otherwise on a Federal questionnaire. These are federal taxpayer funds used for these cash awards. While the BOE is coming up with its >$2.1Billion budget, schools across the nation are really struggling. Please post your response here.


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