
Thursday, October 11, 2012

MCPS wants more Federal Rebate Dollars

Recently, Superintendent Joshua Starr presented a plan to the Board of Education to use Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rebates to buy 2,000 more Promethean brand boards.  The plan calls for MCPS to purchase the Promethean Boards using a lease.  Payments on the lease would be made from rebates received from the FCC through their E-Rate program.

For over a decade, MCPS was receiving the E-Rate rebates and not reporting the funding to the Montgomery County Council.  The rebates were an easy way to have side income that was hidden from Council oversight.  In 2008, the Parents' Coalition exposed this scam.  Now MCPS wants more rebate money from the FCC.  Below is their public comment on this request.

Montgomery Schools FCCs Draft ESL for FY2013

1 comment:

  1. To keep the fiscal accounts accurate and transparent, all donations, rebates, and other alternative revenues should be recorded on one system!


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