
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Safe Routes to School grant funding is available

Passing the below on from Del. Al Carr.  The grants seminar is Nov 13th, and registration deadline is Nov. 7th for the seminar.

Dear Principals and PTA presidents,

My name is Al Carr and I am a Maryland State Delegate representing the 18th Legislative District (Kensington, Chevy Chase, Wheaton, Silver Spring, Garrett Park, Bethesda and Rockville). I am also the father of three school-age boys. One of my top priorities is to promote pedestrian safety and the health and safety of our kids.

I wanted to inform you that the Maryland State Highway Administration has just announced the availability of a new round of Safe Routes to School grant funding.
This round will have more than 4 million dollars available to state and local agencies, as well as non-profits.  These projects are 100% federally funded (no matching funds required).   Safe Routes to School funds can be used for infrastructure (examples: sidewalks, crosswalks, bike racks, pedestrian beacons, ADA ramps) as well as non-infrastructure education and encouragement (examples:  project coordination, education programs and materials, special law enforcement details, safety equipment and training for crossing guards, walking school buses).
I encourage you to consider applying for these funds. Three years ago, my office worked with Kensington Parkwood Elementary and local municipalities to successfully obtain a $100K grant for sidewalk construction.
The first step is to attend a Grant Seminar on Tuesday, November 13th at 8:30am or 1pm at the State Highway Administration Office. You must register for the seminar by November 7th.
My staff and I are available to assist with information. I would be glad to meet with you or attend one of your upcoming PTA meetings. We can also connect you with an organization called the Safe Routes to School National Partnership that is available to provide technical assistance.
Feel free to share this email message with other.
Best Regards,
Delegate Al Carr
Maryland's 18th Legislative District
301 858-3638 office

Safe Routes 2012 Grant Seminar[1]Safe Routes to School Applicant Registration[1]

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