
Monday, October 1, 2012

You are invited . . .

to breakfast with Mitch, Emily, and Josh.

Come hear Dr. Starr's first State of the Schools Address.  Share a cup of coffee with the folks from Glenstone, Mitch and Emily Rales, who also invite you if you are over the age of 12 and not a blogger, to their lovely mansion to view their art!

But - sorry teachers, you can't go.  Josh scheduled this for 7:30am on a school day, so no cookies and coffee for you, unless you can find a substitute and use one of your sick days. 

Thank goodness its a federal and state holiday - so federal and state workers who will be observing veterans day, can show up and eat. 


From the MCPS Web:

2012 State of the Schools

Superintendent Joshua P. Starr will deliver his first State of the Schools address at the Music Center at Strathmore on November 12, 2012. Please join Dr. Starr as he shares his vision for the future and we gather to celebrate the outstanding students of Montgomery County Public Schools. This event is free and open to the public.

Please Join Us on Monday, November 12, 2012

The Music Center at Strathmore
5301 Tuckerman Lane
North Bethesda, MD 20852

7:30 a.m. Enjoy a light breakfast and student performances and artwork throughout the Music Center
8:30 a.m. Dr. Starr presents his State of the Schools address
Foreign language and sign language interpretation will be available.
Event will conclude by 9:30 a.m.
Free parking available in Grosvenor/Strathmore garage.

For more information about the event, please call 301-279-3424.

The 2012 State of the Schools event is supported, in part, by Strathmore and the Glenstone Foundation.


Do you feel left out?  Don't be.  You too can be a sponsor of this great event.  Philanthropies, other federal and state agencies, corporations, non-profits, and individuals - you are all invited, no minimum specified.  Just go to the Montgomery County Educational Foundation webpage and make a donation.   United Way and CFC donations also accepted.  MCPS has its hand out, and will take all donations.  What are the naming opportunities for other folks?  Guess you will just have to show up and find out.


  1. Why isn't this being held in one of many MCPS auditoriums? MCPS has quite a few of them. Some in brand new $90 million dollar school buildings.

  2. I too am somwhat confused as to why a county employee is holding a 'State of the Schools' address sponsored by private organizations. That is equivalent to the state governor holding his/her State of the State address, not at the State House, but at a location with private support (poss. gambling interests, I know they would love to show their support to our elected officials). Weird and once again, poor judgement on the part of Josh's handlers. and of course, poor judgement on the part of the voters who elect our officials. Josh, your handlers are making you look clumsy and out of it.


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