
Sunday, November 4, 2012

BOE Wants 35% Pay Increase

Bills would expand Montgomery school board, boost pay
...Del. Charles Barkley (D-Dist. 39) of Germantown is sponsoring both bills. Del. Brian Feldman (D-Dist. 15) of Potomac and Sen. Nancy King (D-Dist. 39) of Montgomery Village are also sponsors on the compensation-related bill.
That bill proposes that the board member’s annual salaries be bumped up by 35 percent, from $18,500 to $25,000. The board president would receive $4,000 over member salaries, as is the case now.
Barkley said it is time that compensation of board members was increased, because of the amount of time that board members devote to their work. The board’s salary was last increased during the 2002 legislative session, from $12,000 to $18,500...


  1. Does Barclay have other employment?

  2. A good bill - paying BoE members $18k per year is ridiculous - given the time they spend

    What does the PC think of changing to vote by district? Patricia O'Neill has a pretty strong point against.

  3. BOE Vice President Chris Barclay *DOES* have other employment. Or are you asking about Del. Charles Barkley (D-Dist. 39)?

    1. What? Where's his resume? What *OTHER* employment do you think he has? Voters have a right to his resume, and right now, they have nothing. No website.
      He doesn't respond to e-mails.

  4. from the FB page "Chris Barclay for Board of Education"--

    1. And, nothing. No current job listed. He is running for a public office. If he has current employment, where is it? The public has a right to know. The public has a right to know of any potential conflicts.

  5. A perfect example of why anonymous comments without references are suspect.

    Board of Education member Christopher Barclay is unemployed.

    It's now a printed fact in The Washington Post.


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