
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Council Saves Promethean World!

Breaking News! The Montgomery County Council just unanimously approved the Board of Education request to buy 2,000 Promethean brand (gotta be this one brand) Interactive White Boards:

  • without putting out a Request for Proposal (RFP)
  • without taking competitive bids
  • without allowing local Montgomery County Interactive White Board vendors to bid
  • without a written contract of the purchase
Council members asked a few questions, but spent most of their time discussing a contract that MCPS is not using for this purchase.  It was a great way to fill the time and "look" interested in the $14.5 million expenditure.  Discussing a contract that MCPS is not using is a great way to confuse the public and side step the real issues.  Kudos to the Council. It worked. 

However, MCPS Chief Technology Officer made it very clear at the hearing that he had gone directly to Promethean World, LLC to set up this deal.  That fact was openly discussed at the hearing.  We will post the video soon, along with a few "fact checks" of what went on today.  

Libraries closing early? Ride-On bus service cut?  Police and Fire services cut?  Now you know why.  No documents were ever produced to verify the MCPS claims.  Everyone in the County loses when MCPS fails to follow Maryland Education Act procurement law.  It's your dollars that just left the County without oversight by the Council.  

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