
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Leventhal Questions MCPS Chief Tech Officer About Trip to Promethean Convention in London

At the November 13, 2012, Montgomery County Council meeting to vote on MCPS' proposal to buy 2,000 Promethean Boards, Councilmember George Leventhal questioned the MCPS Chief Technology Officer, Sherwin Collette, about his trip to London to attend a Promethean Convention.  

Mr. Collette responded, "I would not have been there as anyone's pitch man. I've never done that, I never will." 

Here is video of Mr. Collette at a 2008 Convention in Sarasota, Florida presenting in front of a Promethean display where he begins the presentation by stating, " about where we're going, and how Promethean and our relationship is helping facilitate that..."


  1. All I can say is way to go George, Just what I would expect from George Leventhal, an intelligent and straightforward question. MCPS clearly from these Videos appear dubious with respect to their honesty and fairness towards other local bidders. There appears to be serious concern by the County Council with respect to Procurement policies and practices. I would again like to Thank George Leventhal who is in my opinion asking tough but needed questions, it reminds me of how Marilyn Praisner might have handled the situation. One thing Marilyn said which does haunt me is that in Montgomery County we ask the questions but that’s where it ends. We should do more to allow for transparent, fair and open procurement practices. I hope the Council recognizes the problems and has the office of legislative oversight investigate past practices and make recommendations if called for.

    1. Minute 21 - Mr. Collette announces that MCPS has "standardized" with one Interactive White Board. He states that while standing in from of a Promethean brand board and pointing at it. This was in 2008 before MCPS ordered 2,600 Promethean Boards that year, and 2,000 more Promethean Boards in 2012. Competitors? Take a hike. Even the ones in Montgomery County.

      His quote:

      "...not any Interactive White Board, the one we standardized on..."


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