
Thursday, November 29, 2012

PG Legislators Demand Plastic Grass on All HS Fields by 2018!

Talk about an unfunded mandate. 

Here's a new bill being introduced by Senator Douglas J. J. Peters and Delegate Jay Walker from Prince George's County.  They want the Maryland State Legislature to pass a law, yes a law, that requires the Prince George's County Board of Education to install plastic grass on all Prince George's High School fields by 2018.  

No mention of where the $34 MILLION dollars (low estimate) would come from.  Guess the Maryland taxpayers will be picking up the tab for this plastic grass.  How long before the Montgomery County Delegation wants in on this deal? 

Any guesses on the no bid vendor that will install all these plastic fields?  
Yes, we all know who will get these projects.  No surprise there.  Taxpayers will not have the benefit of any competitive bidding on these plastic grass installations.  We will pay top dollar to the State of Maryland exclusive vendor.

PG 404-13

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