
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote NO on E-Rate money

Bet you didn't know the County Council was voting today on spending millions of federal rebate dollars on "technology."  These are the Promethean Boards that have been popping up like mushrooms everywhere in our MCPS schools.  Are they really the best choice and most current technology available? I doubt it.  Was there ever a study done by MCPS into which might be the best choice? Nope.  Is this the best deal for taxpayer dollars? No way to tell.

The council has already counted the votes, according to emails going around today and yesterday.  Gee whiz, how does that happen in a 'democracy?'  Votes counted BEFORE a public hearing.  Votes counted BEFORE any public vote at the Council?

Just go and vote for president, folks, ignore the man behind the curtain.

But if you can't ignore it, please email the council now and tell them to vote NO on spending our general fund county dollars on secret deals.  Instead, tell them to spend the money on: libraries. health and human services. firefighters. police. first responders. the environment.  NOT on poor choices by MCPS.

Thank you.
Paula Bienenfeld

To tell the council vote NO email here:

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