
Thursday, December 13, 2012

BOE Parties with Outside Attorneys

Pictures posted from the Student Member of the Board of Education's (SMOB) Twitter Feed:

SMOB 365:  Evening holiday reception with our Venable legal team!

  • When was the last time the Venable contract (In Fiscal Year 2012 Venable received $250,597 from the BOE) with the Board of Education was put out for competitive bids, or is this contract an exclusive, no bid, annual renewal without questions deal? [Answer: The Parents' Coalition has not seen outside general counsel contracts for the Board of Education subject to the competitive bidding process.  But, if you have, please comment.]
  • Is it ethical for a government agency to attend parties given by vendors?
  • Is that a glass of wine at a party where a student(s) is/are in attendance?

1 comment:

  1. I have posted my concerns about the possible appearance of conflict of interest with the role of the school health nurse, and I am also concerned about the role of the outside private attorneys. The issues bring out doubt on the integrity of the process.


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