
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Healthy and Sustainable School Food Journalism Awards

The Earth Day Network, the Edible Schoolyard Project and the Berkeley School of Journalism are teaming up for a high school journalism contest about healthy school food.  For all the information go here.

Deadline: February 28, 2013

The Healthy and Sustainable School Food Journalism Competition is designed to bring the hard facts about school food to entire school communities – in the students’ own words.

What could I win? First prize: $1,500. Second prize: $1,000. Third prize $500. Fourth Prize (x3): $300
…Plus, $200 for your journalism class and the opportunity to have your work publicized on our websites and through our extensive networks.

What is it? A competition for student journalists. Articles submitted for consideration must be about the need for healthy, sustainable school food and must have been published in a school newspaper.

Who can enter? U.S. high school students ages 13 to 18.

Who’s judging? Best-selling author and food activist Michael Pollan will judge the finalists and select the winners!

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