
Friday, February 1, 2013

Maryland gets D+ in teacher preparation

Maryland gets D+ in teacher preparation


  1. The interesting thing about this is Maryland politicians, Montgomery County especially, always pat themselves on the back for Maryland's quality of their education system. This story, combined with the "Race to the Top" story, seems to not jive with with that presumed standard. I don't doubt maryland is better than many but I have always felt Maryland over inflates its reputation.

  2. Both family and school affluence is correlated with student performance.

    Imagine if teachers were better prepped!

  3. They are in blatant violation of COMAR 13B.02.03.11 Faculty Resources:

    1. How? Please explain.


      .11 Faculty Resources.

      A. Faculty resources shall be consistent with COMAR 13B.02.02.17 and shall be adequate and appropriate for a proposed program, taking into consideration the institution's mission and the character of the program to be developed.

      B. The minimum educational attainment of the faculty shall be the appropriate degree commensurate with the degree level of the proposed program.

      C. The doctorate is the appropriate terminal degree for bachelor’s and graduate programs, however, the Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) or another professional degree may be adequate and appropriate for the proposed program.

      D. If specialized accreditation or State licensure is an expectation, the number of terminal degree holders shall meet the minimum requirements of the appropriate accrediting association or licensing agency.

      E. Programs shall involve credentialed full-time faculty in teaching, program development, and student academic support.

      F. Adjunct and part-time faculty are an important and necessary component of some programs. Except in circumstances to be determined by the Secretary, at least 50 percent of the total semester credit hours within the proposed program shall be taught by full-time faculty.

      G. Adjunct and part-time faculty shall:

      (1) Possess the same or equivalent qualifications as the full-time faculty of the institution; and

      (2) Be approved by the academic unit through which the credit is offered.


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