
Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Sentinel: Community leaders angry with education budget

Published on: Thursday, February 14, 2013
By Donna Broadway
ROCKVILLE - Community organizations are not happy with the proposed Montgomery County Public School operating budget for the 2013-2014 school year.
At the “Book Club Budgetpalooza,” members from the Montgomery County Civic Federation, the Parents’ Coalition of Montgomery County and the Montgomery County Tax Payers League went through the proposed $2.2 billion budget chapter by chapter.
Complaints about the budget included the absence of transparency in the budget process, secret meetings, sloppy documentation, a large percentage paid to direct overhead and lower pay for red zone teachers – teachers paid less than other teachers because of lower student scores...

Article continues at:  The Sentinel


  1. link to full article doesn't seem to work

  2. @Anonymous, try going directly to The Sentinel at and clicking through.


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