
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The trouble with Starr’s testing moratorium

By Kristen Amundson, Published: February 22
In an op-ed this month, “Time out on standardized testing,” Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Joshua P. Starr explained why he thinks there should be a moratorium on federally required standardized testing. I disagree...

1 comment:

  1. The author gets from one end to the other of this editorial without one mention of the dire effects of poverty on student achievement, documented in deeper detail by recent studies. The implicit suggestion becomes that teachers are solely responsible for how well students test. There is another implicit suggestion that anyone, Superintendent Starr for instance, who disagrees with tying teacher evaluations to student test scores does not want to "do the right thing for students." The dialogue on how to best help academically struggling students is not helped by either data free insinuations nor McCarthy-esque character smears.


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