
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Union Demands $6 Million More! MCPS Budget Keeps Going Up and Up!

Gazette:  Montgomery schools chief adds more staff pay at the last minute to next year’s budget

...Starr is now requesting about $6 million more for compensation increases, bringing the total that he wants to hold as a “placeholder” up to about $18 million. The school system is still negotiating with the three unions that represent its employees.
The Montgomery County Board of Education approved his request, with board member Michael A. Durso (Dist. 5) of Silver Spring as the only dissenting vote...
...School board members said Monday it will now take a fight to persuade the Montgomery County Executive and County Council members to approve the budget request, which totals about $2.2 billion, about $57.5 million more than the current school year...


  1. Time for Starr to go. He just doesn't get it.

  2. It's the BOE that has to go. That is where the buck stops. While Fed Govt Employees from MoCo face furloughs, MCPS just keeps taking.


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