
Sunday, March 17, 2013

BOE Off Camera: Artificial Turf

On Monday, March 18, 2013, the Board of Education's Fiscal Management Committee will meet.  One of their Agenda topics is "Artificial Turf."

What will the Committee be discussing about Artificial Turf?  This is an off camera, no detailed minutes meeting.  They don't want the public to know what they are going to discuss and they don't want any minutes to reflect the discussion.

Shouldn't MCPS no-bid artificial turf procurements be a topic for the public, full Board meetings?

The only way to find out what is discussed at the BOE's March 18th Fiscal Management meeting is to show up in person at 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville.  If you do show up, send us your notes so that the rest of Montgomery County can find out what is discussed!


  1. Is it forbidden for a member of the public to record the session?

    1. No
      This meeting can be videotaped by a citizen
      We have done that in the past

  2. Mr. Isaac, it can never be forbidden for a citizen to attend, tape, take notes, or other recordation at any meeting conducted by any member of the county government unless there is a specific 'closed session.' This includes any "private meetings," let's say, between a real estate developer and a member or members of a government agency in a backroom. Or, let's say, a "lunch." or, let's say, a "retreat." Or, any other type of get-together between any member of the government and a private citizen or business in which government business is being discussed. If anyone is being told that in our democracy people are 'forbidden' to know the people's business, please post here or email us.

  3. This is what is called a 'chilly climate,' when people self-censor.


If your comment does not appear in 24 hours, please send your comment directly to our e-mail address:
parentscoalitionmc AT