
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hey Kids! It's a Hackathon - Toaster Wars Competition Now Open to all MS and HS Kids

From the Carnegie Mellon newspaper, The Tartan, reporter Alvin Mathew:

CMU, NSA search for student hackers

Carnegie Mellon teamed up with the National Security Agency (NSA) to create a high school hacking competition known as “Toaster Wars,” which takes place April 26 to May 6.

Sponsored by the NSA and supported by Carnegie Mellon’s own hacking group, the Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP), Toaster Wars has been developed into a high-profile hacking competition.

To read the entire article go here.

picoCTF is a computer security competition for high school students. The competition is a series of challenges centered around a unique storyline where participants must reverse engineer, break, hack, decrypt, or do whatever it takes to solve the challenge. The challenges are all set up with the intent of being hacked, making it an excellent, legal way to get hands-on experience.

The adventure for picoCTF 2013 is Toaster Wars. When a robot from space crash lands in your backyard it's up to your hacking skills to fix him and uncover the secret he carries...

What: picoCTF 2013 - Toaster Wars
When: April 26th 2013 - May 6th 2013
Where: The Internet!
Who: 6th - 12th Grade Students. If you're outside this range, you should check out PlaidCTF instead.

Please note that participants are not expected to work on the competition for the entire duration. The goal is to allow all participants ample time to work on the problems from home, during school, after school, or whenever is most convenient for them.

For all the information go here.

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