
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Luedtke bill appears to be red-tape in response to having three referendums on the ballot

ANNAPOLIS - Montgomery County Delegate Eric Luedtke (D-District 14) is not finding himself many friends among political activists who claim one of his sponsored bills in the Maryland House of Delegates infringes on their right to put controversial laws up for referendum... 
...Baltimore County Delegate Joseph Boteler III said he too was disappointed in the legislation proposed by Luedtke.
“I think it’s a very bureaucratic approach to solving a problem that really does not exist,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. Maryland is also one of the few states where it is not possible to recall an elected official. This attempt to limit the citizens' right to petition the government is another example of how the people you elected run Maryland, from their bubble. 2014 is coming up. Are these the people you want representing you?


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