
Sunday, March 3, 2013

No Thanks Panasonic Foundation

A Company that makes flat screen TVs is running MCPS? 

The just released Board of Education (BOE) Agenda for Monday, March 4, 2013 reveals why the BOE is meeting off-camera.  They do not want the public to see the next consultant they are bringing in to tell them what to do.

Apparently, Montgomery County citizens elect BOE members who haven't a clue as to how to run a public school system, so the BOE members are constantly meeting with outside consultants from for-profit corporations.

On March 4th, the BOE will spend the day with another consultant from the Panasonic Foundation.
The Foundation was created by Panasonic as a gesture of thanks to the United States and as a way of contributing to American society. Today the Panasonic Foundation isrecognized as a leader in education reform.
The consultant they are meeting with is George Perry who wrote the new MCPS BOE Mission Statement and Vision!
...mission and vision statements with language that was
developed by Dr. George Perry, Panasonic Foundation consultant...
The BOE will, of course, unanimously vote to approve "their" new vision at the March 4th meeting.  Mr. Perry will be at the March 4th meeting to make sure that happens.

If Panasonic can perk up your family room, you know they can do great things with public schools, right? Hope this vision doesn't conflict with the Pearson vision, or the Wireless Generation vision!


  1. Panasonic:Just slightly ahead of our time. And of Starr and the Montgomery County BOE, who seem to be following.

  2. Wow - it makes me wonder why MCPS relies on the "wisdom" of Gallup (didn't get the election right) and Panasonic. And then there's Promethean, Pearson, Scholastic, and all the rest. The corporatization of MCPS continues and intensifies! Why is that?

  3. It is hard to believe this.
    a sad sad state of affairs.
    How have we forgotten what learning is all about.

    How can we treat our children in this way?

  4. @Anonymous Mar 3, Why is that? Because the majority of voters keep re-electing the BOE members who push this. Don't like this state of affairs? Elections are coming up - again- next year. Consider running. Consider speaking to your neighbors about where their money is going.


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