
Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The following is an anonymous comment that the Parents' Coalition received.  At today's Board of Education meeting Superintendent Joshua Starr made a statement to the effect that he did not have evidence that there were any significant concerns regarding special education in MCPS.  So, in an effort to get this issue on Superintendent Starr's radar we are posting this comment on this blog, and sending it to Superintendent Starr via Twitter.  Maybe Superintendent Starr isn't getting his correspondence or e-mails, but he gets his Twitter feed.

"My child was the target of Mr. Krew’s “efforts” in the “one case involving administrative hearings” billable at $6,597. There was literally ONE hearing that took less than one hour. Even at $500 an hour, this would mean that Krew spent 13 hours on the case. Even with billable admin hours in addition to his own hourly rate, there’s no way that Mr. Krew actually put in 13 hours. The real number of hours was less than half of this at most. MCPS needs to stop doing business with outsourced legal counsel… especially ones that over-bill our county, while hurting special needs children and their families."


  1. The above writer "nicely" states that Krew "targeted" her child. Actually, his style is to vilify the parent for daring to ask the System to provide an appropriate education for several children with disabilities. And, to perform such a task, he is awarded with liberal billable administrative hours, and he can prolong any hearing to add to his hourly rate. Mr. Starr is quite aware of this situation as several families have registered complaints. He choses to ignore the issues. MCPS is now focused on objecting to placing the burden of proof in due process hearings back onto the school system. The result is that Krew and MCPS can continue to throw around their power against any any family that disputes the MCPS IEP. The playing field is not balanced and MCPS ala Krew continue to orchestrate a nasty attack on the families already struggling with the day to day issues of a child with a disability.

  2. The repetitious nature of this MCPS style to discredit parents and the continued resistance to reexamine the process creates major concerns. Will Mr. Starr continue to accept this style and resist seeing the harm that is being committed to vulnerable families by his staff or will he join the problem/coverup? A change of mindset is truly needed. MCPS continues to claim they are improving the relationship with parents of children with disabilities and yet they continue to attack viciously some parents who refuse to be intimidated. All is not well!!


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parentscoalitionmc AT