
Friday, March 1, 2013

Proposed law would force school boards to heed parents’ petitions for school reform

Proposed law would force school boards to heed parents’ petitions for school reform


  1. Parent Trigger bills are a smokescreen to remove any sort of real parental involvement. I'm not sure of the particulars of this bill, but, removing the staff/principal and allow a charter (possibly privately managed) to take its place only further shifts the power away from the parents. Please tell me this group is not advocating for this.

    1. Excuse? What "real parent involvement". This is Montgomery County. You must be thinking of someplace else. Here in Montgomery County we ILLEGALLY charge students to attend FREE public school classes. We harass parents that ask for appropriate services for their children with disabilities with outside law firms that are paid by the hour to bully parents. We spend money like it is water on our buddies that we meet at conventions and cut classroom resources so that actual students are in overcrowded classes. Our administrators take luxury vacations from no bid vendors. We put together a $2.2 BILLION DOLLAR budget in SECRET in VIOLATION of the LAW. Sorry, what did you say about how awful it is to have an alternative?

    2. I agree with the portrayal of MCPS using bully tactics to discourage real parental involvement and any disagreement with planning for children with disabilities. MCPS becomes very mean and deceptive. It is extremely difficult for a parent to fight a system that has immense powers over any individual This legislative session, there is a bill proposed to place burden of proof in due process hearings back on the school system. If passed, that process would help to balance the power between a parent and the powerful system.


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