
Monday, March 18, 2013

Real Food for Kids Testimony

Below is testimony to the MCPS Board of Education by Karen Devitt, co-founder of Real Food for Kids - Montgomery.

From her testimony:
Currently MCPS cafeterias and competitive food offerings support…unhealthy food trends.
For example, every day of the school year MCPS sells chocolate and strawberry milk with more sugar than a Hershey’s chocolate bar.  Efforts to remove or limit the availability of this product would be a good step.


  1. Another reason kids eat the sugary junk is that the main offerings are of such low quality. My son is at Pyle and simply will not eat the food on offer, not even the hamburgers or pizza, because they taste so bad or are so greasy. If he forgets to take a lunch, he skips lunch rather than eat these offering. And to be clear, he is *not* a picky eater.

  2. Mr. Isaac, would it be possible for your son and his friends to take some photos of the food offerings and the vending machine choices so we can post on this blog? The same request goes to everyone out there with kids eating these meal choices. Please ask your children to photograph the food. It is hard for people to get a sense of what the food that is being sold in the schools really is. Thanks.


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