
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Special Ed "Advocate" Skips BOE Meeting

Board of Education member Shirley Daisy Brandman has always claimed that she  had a master's degree in special education and was some sort of special education advocate.  Well, that's what she told voters.

Today, the Board of Education is voting on whether or not to support important legislation dealing with students needing special education services.

But, Ms. Brandman isn't at the BOE table.

Where is she?

The Board of Education provides for members who are absent to participate via conference call (see page 19).

Where is Ms. Brandman that she is unable to pick up a telephone and participate in this important vote for students with special education needs?  Clearly, there is support for this legislation among BOE members.  Ms. Brandman's support of this legislation could carry the day.  Ms. Brandman had the opportunity to make a major statement for students with special education needs today.

But, she didn't even show up or call in.


  1. I was at the Board Meeting yesterday for the public comment period. Unfortunately, Shirley Brandman was taken away in an ambulance about 10 am. No details were made available at the time.

    1. And, she is all better today! Just in time for this evenings meeting where the BOE can NOW vote on the Burden of Proof legislation. See, they never did vote on that on Tuesday. They voted on an Amendment, but never voted on the main resolution. That's called a "mistake" and can be fixed today.
      Roberts Rules of Order allows for "mistakes" to be corrected at the next meeting.

  2. It was made clear to many of us who worked hard for member Brandman during election that after she was elected she didn't give a damn about people who had helped her into office. She didn't return phone calls, or emails. This is business as usual for her.


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