
Friday, March 22, 2013

Starr's Tweet on Collaboration


  1. Can someone explain the context of this tweet?

  2. LOL. I can see that. I mean what prompted this tweet? I guess he was quoting a Wheaton HS teacher. Does anyone know where was he at the time? What was being discussed? I'm not sure what to make of this quote. It seems quite random.

    1. It's a Tweet. They don't come with explanations.

  3. Welcome to the 21st century. It's how people communicate these days, sorry to burst your bubble.

  4. It is? Businesses run using Twitter? What of any substance is on Twitter beyond, "I am reading this article"?

  5. Who said it's how businesses run? It's a communication tool, nothing more, nothing less.

    1. MCPS is a business, remember? How is Twitter beneficial to the business of running a public school system?

      What's its use? Who is Starr "communicating" with? Or, is it just for advertising his name like all the other commercial users of Twitter?

  6. Twitter can be utilized any way that the user wishes. If Superintendent Starr wants to quote a teacher on his account, he's legitimate in doing so. It's the same if he wanted to announce news about the school system or if he wanted to comment on the NCAA tournament - it's simply a means of communication.

    You've learned to embrace a message board on an internet blog, maybe it's time to embrace one of the largest social media platforms in the world? Maybe a Parents' Coalition Twitter account is in order - that way you can respond to Starr's tweets directly (and not speculate over them on another website).

  7. Regardless of the medium, the message is poorly constructed. By itself, it really means nothing. It is so vague that you can't refute it, yet it isn't really saying anything either. This would be true if it was said on Twitter or a BOE meeting. Taken in context with his other statements, I see a clumsy attempt to pit two sub-groups in his student population. His preferred subgroup is great at something and the subgroup that wants to be taught differently than his and MCEA's vision is not as great as they think they are. As a parent of kids in both subgroups, why can't he just worry about teaching both my kids the three R's no matter what learning style they have. This isn't a zero-sum game. Every kid needs the right education for their learning style and needs. There is nothing magic about collaboration. It is just one technique in the toolkit. The problem here isn't Twitter. It is the words. If he needs more words to change my interpretation, then he shouldn't use twitter. If I am right, then I have a problem with the Super because he doesn't seem to care about one of my kids.

  8. The Parents' Coalition has had a Twitter account for a long time.
    We are very clear on how to use Twitter and it's lack of substance.
    We are also very clear on what a time waster and distraction it is for a superintendent, unless of course we only hire superintendents to advance their personal careers. Then, Twitter is clearly useful. It's a marketing tool. In our case it is marketing Joshua Starr for his next job.
    Just as Jerry Weast used our school system to market himself for his next job, Starr is doing the same thing.
    Jerry Weast was able to make a deal with Pearson and now Pearson is sponsoring his new business. Super how that works, isn't it? But, what about the students? They are stuck with the Pearson curriculum, assessments and haven't received a dime in royalties because the "deal" that Weast made only benefited him.

  9. MCPS, the County Council, the County Executive, and all county offices must follow regulations about the public record. Those regulations are put in place, weak as they may be, to protect the public. Some of those posting here are implying that it is ok to conduct county business by using twitter. That is not the case. Not everyone in this county has access to a computer, let alone twitter. Business in this county cannot be conducted via twitter.


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