
Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunshine Week Events for Tuesday, March 12th

Sunshine Week events in the D.C. area for Tuesday, March 12th:
Open Government in the Second TermCenter for Effective Government and the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Washington, DC
The Center for Effective Government (formerly OMB Watch) and EPIC will host two panel discussions from 1-3 p.m. examining transparency and national security issues in the Obama administration’s second term. The first panel will be moderated by Katherine McFate, president and CEO, Center for Effective Government; and panelists will include Corinna Zarek, Office of Government Information Services; Krista Boyd, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee; and Lisa Ellman, Office of Science and Technology Policy (invited). The second panel, moderated by Ginger McCall, director of EPIC’s Open Government Project, will include Tom Blanton, National Security Archive; Steve Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists; Scott Rosenthal, Sen. Jeff Merkley’s Office; Jim Harper, CATO Institute (invited). The event is free and open to the public and will be webcast at For more information and to RSVP to attend in person or watch the webcast, go to the Center’s online form.

FOIA: Today’s Challenges and Tomorrow’s Opportunities
Congressional Transparency Caucus, Washington, DC
The Congressional Transparency Caucus will hold a 3 p.m. discussion in the House Rayburn Office Building on FOIA reform and what needs to be done to improve access to government records. Moderated by Sunlight Foundation Policy Counsel Daniel Schuman, the panel will include Office of Government Information Services Director Miriam Nisbet; Sunshine in Government Initiative Coordinator Rick Blum; Center for Effective Polciy Open Government Policy Analyst Gavin Baker; and Washington Examiner Investigative Reporter Rickard Pollock. The event is open to anyone, including Hill staff and interns. To RSVP, email Robyn Russell in the office of Co-chair Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), or Ali Ahmad who works with Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). For more information, see the event invitation (PDF).

Anti-terrorism Laws and Press FreedomNational Press Club, Washington, DC
The National Press Club’s Freedom of the Press Committee will hold a panel discussion at 6:30 p.m. about the effect of laws enacted globally after Sept. 11, 2001 on press freedom. The panel will be moderated by NPC Press Freedom Committee Vice Chair Rachel Oswald, and panelists will include: Mohamed Keita, Africa advocacy coordinator for the Committee to Project Journalists; Frank Jannuzi, deputy executive director of advocacy, policy and research for Amnesty International USA; and Mark Feldstein, professor of broadcast journalism at the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism. The event is free and open to the public, although registration is requested. For more information and to register, go to the Press Club website.

Guns, Money & Secrets: A Sunshine Week Conversation About How Journalists Can Best Use Public Documents and DataGeorgetown University Master’s in Journalism Program
Georgetown students are invited to attend a 6:30 p.m. discussion at the Clarendon campus with Gregory Korte of USA Today and Derek Willis of The New York Times about public documents and data in recognition of Sunshine Week 2013. RSVP online here.

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