
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bid on Prime Churchill Parking Spots

Afterall, everything in a Montgomery County Public School
 is for sale, even the parking spots, right?
Your student didn't get a parking spot at Churchill High School? 
Guess you didn't pay enough.

And, by the way taxpayers, you paid for these spots, but the money being collected is NOT going in to the MCPS Operating Budget.  This money will not pay for teacher salaries, it will not build new schools, and you will have no information on how these dollars are being used. 
Another fun slush fund, but this time for a private company thanks to the generosity of Montgomery County taxpayers.  By the way taxpayers, we will send you the bill when these parking spots need to be re-paved.


  1. I'm not sure what to make of this. Am I suppose to be outraged? A school trying to raise funds for it's athletics for their sports program on a parking spot that I would NEVER be using since I don't go to Churchill or have a child going. All it does is reserve a spot for a year (or season). Not a lot of these spots get sold but it helps with Booster income. Most of the schools where their sports are well attended are doing this. Good for them. I'd do it at our school if I actually thought anyone would buy one...or if we had spots you could define as "prime". It's not like they are selling handicapped spots. Now that would be funny.

    1. Actually a lot of spots get sold. Even spots that aren't MCPS property get sold.

      So you are fine with a private organization taking public property and "selling" it for their profit? Because that is exactly what this is. The Booster Club is a separate entity. Why? Because the principal was skimming too much from the booster account. So the Booster Club formed their own entity.

      Can I "sell" some BOE property and make money for a private entity? How's that work? Taxpayers fund a public school and a private entity can profit from it? Aren't public schools open and free to all?

  2. Actually Booster don't "profit". Boosters are 501c's just like a school PTA, and each has a charter to support their respective school, whether they are an "All-Sport Booster" or an "All-School" Booster. So this isn't Lockheed Martin coming in for their profit. In the end it is going back into the school. If a school (Principal) takes issue with a Boosters activity you can bet the program is going to be shut down. Yes, schools are open and free to all, and so are Booster meetings. The schedules of which are normally publicized ahead of time on their web sites. So to answer your question, no I don't have a problem with Booster clubs or a PTA doing it or any other school related NON-PROFIT organization. As far as non-MCPS property being sold, that's just not smart on their part, but after-all someone's got to call them out on it.

    1. Prove it. Oh, you can't. Booster club financials are not public. You actually have no idea how Booster Clubs spend their money. They don't report their expenditures.

  3. I don't know why but every time someone disagrees with you, your replies always come off angry and nasty. Sorry I disagree with you.
    So, I obviously can't speak for ALL Boosters but, yes they are, yes they do, AND YES I DO. Why don't you pick a school or two at random and go to a meeting unannounced and see for yourself who they are and what they do. And ask questions about their budget. Churchill might be a good start. I don't doubt some out there maybe secretive or not doing everything right, but most are pretty open. The vast majority of Booster or PTA's are parent volunteers trying to provide the best they can for their schools not CEO's trying to line their pockets. Based on this and previous stories you seem to have a real heartburn against Booster Clubs. Do you level the same accusation of non-openness at PTA's? They're in the same boat.
    Why don't we go further down this road. Do you have a problem with Booster Clubs selling space on their fence line at stadiums or in gyms for advertising banners? It's school property right? If you have an issue with one, then you must for the other. How about the Boosters or PTA having a bake sale or mulch sale on school property? Or doing anything or any activity making money for their organization using any school property at all?

    1. Again, prove it. Show us financials from Booster Clubs. Yes, we've tried to get them. Been there, done that. Many, many complaints from parents who have tried to find out about how Booster Clubs spend money.

      PTAs? Go fetch. Yes, many parents have tried to get financials from PTAs and many parents have failed. Many complaints on this issue all the way up to Maryland PTA.

      Should private entities be able to use schools to post advertisements? No, of course not. Any use of public fences etc... should be governed by the BOE. But, in Montgomery County the BOE closes their eyes. Should Booster Clubs have unrestricted use of public school property? Of course not. Public schools are public and belong to the communities, not the Booster Clubs.

      The end result of private interests taking over public fields is the LOCKING of stadium gates. These public spaces are now fenced and locked to keep out the public, the very people that own the space.

      Answer the first question of how the funds are being used (can't because financials aren't public) and then we can discuss issues of funding. How much of the funding for these expenditures should be coming from the MCPS budget? What about the BOE's inequitable funding of programs that forces disparity? Lots of serious issues here that are not solved by a private entity taking over public property.

    2. You obviously have a major chip on your shoulder about booster clubs. What booster clubs have you contacted and asked for financials? You want Chris to prove it, you should prove it as well. ALL of the money raised by boosters goes back to the teams, clubs, etc. at my son's high school. As for locking the gates, the school itself is also public property, but it is locked to prevent theft, damage, etc. It is the same with the fields, especially if they have artificial turf. You need to get off your high horse! Without the boosters raising money, athletics would not be able to exist, based on the money received from the county!

    3. @ Kathy: Prove it. Make Booster Club financials public.

      Until then you got nothing.
      The Parents' Coalition doesn't have any financials from Booster Clubs so, obviously, we can't make those documents public. We have contacted multiple clubs.

      And, on "all the money" - please. Let's see the financials. We know that doesn't happen. Past experience has shown that principals can and do siphon off Booster Club money. But, if you "think" it does, then make the financials public and prove it.
      This is an easy thing to prove.

    4. How about YOU prove your accusation that "...principals can and do siphon off Booster Club money."

      To Chris...the only way she knows how to respond to someone who disagrees with her is angrily and nastily. LOTS of posts to prove that one!

    5. Local school audits have already proved this. Old news.

      So far you have given zero facts, zero documentation and zero accountability for booster club funds. We have produced massive amounts of documentation and audits to show what goes on at local schools.

      Still no accountability for Booster Club funds. We're all waiting.
      But if you would rather just rant than provide any accountability for these funds, that's your choice.


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