
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

BOE President Barclay on Diane Ravitch: "Ravitch doesn't own up to her role in NCLB or Bush era education reforms:

Board of Education President Christopher Barclay Tweeting
 from NSBA Conference in San Diego, California.


  1. Ravitch has indeed owned up to her role and has repudiated her former support of NCLB. If Barclay truly believes this, he needs to read up before making comments like that.

    1. I'm sure Chris can borrow a few books that she has written from MCPS's professional library or our regular public library. I would venture to bet that if asked, one of her her biggest professional regrets would be her support of NCLB and Bush I Ed policies.

  2. Seems Chris is having a few issues understanding Diane and her refutation of NCLB and Bush I education policies. I've emailed him regarding the comment and Diane also. Awaiting their responses. A trip to the library and following Diane's blog seem to be in order.


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