
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

County approves double-digit raises for employees on 8-1 vote

Union leader can finally take vacation in Bahamas

Montgomery Council Approves County Employee Compensation for Fiscal Year 2014

Statement of Councilmember Phil Andrews on Montgomery Council’s Approval of Compensation Plan for County Employees Says Council Approved Plan of ‘Excessive Pay Raises Agreed to by County Executive Leggett’


  1. The Council approved the plan by a vote of 8-1. Council President Nancy Navarro, Vice President Craig Rice and Councilmembers Roger Berliner, Marc Elrich, Valerie Ervin, Nancy Floreen, George Leventhal and Hans Riemer voted to approve the plan. Councilmember Phil Andrews voted against the plan.

  2. What does this have to do with MCPS?

    1. Tons. It means that this year the trend of the MCPS budget trumping all other county services is not happening.
      The MCPS budget doubled while enrollment fluctuated up AND down.
      County services were continually cut to cover for the MCPS excesses.
      This year, County services are getting an increase, whether or not the increase is affordable.

    2. Hmm, the tone of the post is one of derision toward Montgomery County employees. Nice spin though. Would expect nothing less on this blog.

    3. The "tone"???? Spin? 3 facts with links.

      And, oh yea, you have no name. Would expect nothing less.

  3. @Anonymous, not sure what you mean about tone, as the post consists solely of links to newspaper articles. The header is a fact.


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