
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Is the Social Justice Warrior violating the Civil Rights Act and right to Equal Protection under 14th Amend.?

The Parents' Coalition received the following comment in response to our posting about Superintendent Joshua Starr's (also known as Mr. Social Justice Warrior) plan to place another cell tower compound at another Red Zone school. The comment is significant and deserves further discussion. What is your response Superintendent Starr? How does calling yourself a "social justice" warrior align with your actions? 
The concentration of tower-free schools are the better performing (green zone) schools -- schools that have higher white and more affluent populations, too. So doesn't the placement of these cell towers violate the BOE’s own policy on Quality Integrated Education? Doesn't the placement of these cell towers violate the Civil Rights Act and the rights of students and their families to Equal Protection under the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution?
The yellow dots on this map show the location of
cell tower compounds on MCPS playgrounds.
Red Zone stands for the part of the county with
highest Free and Reduced Lunch populations of
students.  Most Green Zone schools have
successfully fought the placement of cell towers
 on their playgrounds.  

1 comment:

  1. Maybe BOE member Judy Docca should answer this question since she seems to always be concerned about the equity in our schools. Oh but wait... several of these existing or proposed cell towers are in the district she lives and represents,but doesn't seem to know anything about!


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