
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Letter from Blair Principal Today

April 18, 2013
Dear Parents/Guardians:
You may have heard from your child today about an incident that occurred in our courtyard during today’s lunch period.  A student became very disruptive and defiant with staff and required police intervention.  The student assaulted our School Resource Officer and, subsequently, had to be restrained by police.  The student was transported to the hospital for an evaluation, accompanied by an administrator. 
 To ensure the safety of our students and school staff, MCPS Security Officers and members of the Montgomery County Police Department work closely together to ensure a positive, secure school environment. 
 Please have your child speak with school counselors or staff if they have questions or concerns about this incident.  My staff and I are always available to assist students.   Thank you for your support. 
                                                                         Renay C. Johnson


  1. Interesting. Doesn't mention anything about a TASER. Why not?

  2. Tasing 9th grade female students, even one that is out of line, is not a great way to "ensure a positive, secure school environment," at least from the students' perspective. The issue of weapons in schools should be revisited. It seems that even an 'experienced' resource officer can over-react.

  3. Overeact. How do you know it was an overreaction? Were you there? Do you know how vicious a person can get. No matter that it's a grade 12 male or a 9th grade female. Sometimes you just can't wag your finger and say, "calm down young lady."

  4. Oh yes of course. The female officer "overeacted". What if the student had gotten the officers gun and shot ten students. You would be the first one to be whining about why the officer didn't use her taser.


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