
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Council Says No to Starr and BOE's $10 Million Over MOE Request, Tells BOE to use own Surplus

Video Minute:
1:00  Council wants more information on MCPS students who failed their math final.
2:00 Achievement Gap update-Education Committee will follow up on this after the budget...
5:00  Final recommendation on MCPS CIP and Operating Budget
6:00 Capital Budget - Increase in facility planning. HVAC funding...
12:00 Phil Andrews - school construction
13:30 Craig Rice - school construction largest number of school children and best performance in state...
16:00 Christopher Barclay - funds from state - all due respect to Baltimore City
Seneca Valley, Gaithersburg - pressure in pushing back on Capital projects...
18:00 Ervin wants parity with Baltimore City
18:10 Larry Bowers - enrollment increases...160,000...170,000 - BCC placeholder put in to keep it out of moratorium - HVAC maintaining systems
22:00 School impact tax
22:20 FY 2014 Operating Budget - fully fund request with adjustments - this includes $27 million of MCPS surplus to be applied to MCPS.
27:00 Discussion of budget Category 12 - Fixed Charges
Pension and Insurance

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