
Friday, May 10, 2013

Einstein Principal Issues Apology Letter

May 8,2013

Dear Parent(s)/Guardians,
I am writing to apologize to you, your child, and family for a letter I authored
about the transfer of the Extensions program to Albert Einstein High School.
While it certainly was not my intention, I now realize that some of the language
in the letter-which was posted on our school website-was inappropriate and
offensive. As a teacher and principal for 42 years, I have been committed to
meeting the needs of all students, including those with special needs. The
language in the letter did not reflect that commitment and for that I am very

As principal of Albert Einstein High School, I am extremely pleased to welcome
the Extensions program to our school community. I know this program is a highly
rated and exemplary model of special education services in Montgomery County
Public Schools (MCPS) and throughout the state of Maryland. We will make sure
your child receives the best services and support at Einstein and will welcome
these students as a part of the Titan community. I would like to invite you to
visit our school and meet with me and others on May 16, at 7:30 p.m. Also attending the meeting will be Ms. Gwendolyn Mason, director of the Department of Special Education Services, Mrs. Chrisandra Richardson, associate superintendent of Special Education and Student Services, and Ms. Bronda Mills, our community superintendent. Childcare will be provided.
I know I will need to work hard to earn your trust and it is my goal to do just
I look forward to working with you and other MCPS stakeholders to welcome the
Extensions program to Einstein High School and to serve your child to the
highest level.

Albert Einstein High School

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