
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Exclusive Chart: First Semester Final Exams


  1. Are we starting to see backlash for criticizing MCPS’ high final exam failure rates? During this spring “Exam Study Week” my kid has had more class formatives and summatives (tests and quizzes)than any other week in his entire freshman year at Blake. He’s totally exhausted! The older ones never had this kind of pre-exam intensity in high school.

    1. But, that makes no sense. Starr's line is that students are "gaming" the system, not that they don't know the material.

      Starr has no reason to increase tests and quizzes when the kids already "know" the material, right? He should be concentrating on giving out perks like IPads and Gift Cards to get the students to get good exam grades, right? That's the way administrators are treated, they get perks and trips for good behavior, shouldn't the students get the same?

    2. If you don't think that gaming of the system is part of the problem, then it's obvious how out of touch you are.

    3. Well obviously Superintendent Starr doesn't think it's the problem if he is now instituting extensive test prep! No reason for test prep if it's all about gaming!

      And, out of touch? Hmmm so why is it that the Whitman and Churchill students aren't "gaming" the system like the Wheaton students? Your "gaming" excuse doesn't hold water when the test grades are compared across the county.

  2. What was "Exam Study Week"?


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