
Friday, May 10, 2013

NBC4 Exclusive: Controversial Comments from Einstein High School Principal

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  1. If Hernandez was truly sorry for his demeaning comments he would not have said "I do heartily apologize for that IF THEY INTERPRETED IT THAT WAY". His initial note was very clear. We welcome you with open arms through the front door only, then we will shut you away. Parents of children with issues and the children do not need more stress and rejection from MCPS. Perhaps Mr. Starr should assign Hernandez to work with these children and see that they are human and deserve respect no matter the disability or the child's temperment issues caused by the disability.

    1. It's Fernandez, not Hernandez.I am a student at Einstein and am in the best buddies program where we help our fellow students with disabilities. Your opinion is incorrect as you do not know our principal, being ignorant and making assumptions like this is just as bad as how you interpreted his words. I see Mr. Fernandez daily speak with our special education students with care and respect, which Mr. starr has no involvement in. He does not look down upon them, and treats us all the same. Why would he shut them away when he was the one who opened the door in the first place? Do your research.

    2. @9:02 - First, so you have WiFi at school for student use? Cool.

      Second, an opinion is an opinion. An opinion is based on the information that is available. The information that the public has was a letter that was made public on the Einstein website. That's a fact. When adults post letters like that they wipe out whatever else they have done on the subject. That's the danger in typing fast and posting without thinking.

      Third, Superintendent Starr is Mr. Fernandez's boss. This is Starr's responsibility, this is his job. It is all about how Super Starr handles this. A principal does not get to pick and choose programs. MCPS is a public school system run by the Superintendent and the BOE. That's reality.

    3. Who said the student poster has access to WiFi? Ever hear of 4G service?

    4. Oh, so now students are on their phones during class? What policy allows that?

    5. Oh, so students always follow all "policies?" Anywhere between 1200-2800 teens in a MCPS high school building and each and every one will never use their phone when they're not supposed to?

      Who said the student above even used a phone during class? Perhaps it was between classes. Maybe the student was in the bathroom.

      Further proof that the writers of this blog have nary a clue about teenagers.

    6. Further proof? Sorry, what was the first proof? Parents - that word means people that have children. Look it up.

      Do we believe that a student went to the bathroom between classes to put a comment on this blog? Sorry, no. Do we think that MCPS administrators pretend to be people they are not and comment? We already know that to be true. That's been proven.

  2. So the program is for kids who are destructive and have severe behavioral issues. The principal writes a letter explaining the program. Then he is criticized for being correct. Only in politically correct Montgomery County.


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