
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Principal fires security guards to hire art teachers and transforms elementary school

Principal fires security guards to hire art teachers and transforms elementary school


  1. Oh how warm and fuzzy. Good for that school. I'll still take the security guards over the art classes thank you.

    1. Then you will keep the prison feel. I'll take art and music over security guards any day. Engaged students flourishing are much better students than one's under guard. Obviously, you have never see the difference.

  2. "warm and fuzzy" shows how little Chris knows about art and music

  3. The arts can reach students - everyone, really - where academics and carrot-stick measures cannot. We all but eliminated the arts in schools to make room for more STEM classes and cut the investment in our children's humanity at our own peril. Kudos to this guy for having the sense to bring them back.

    And really, he's already DONE it and it's WORKING. Why would you NOT want this for your kids? O.o

  4. Ohhhhh yes I have seen the difference. First to anonymous, I am a photographer and I play drums. Second, my kids have been in private and public school. The difference in security is remarkable. Guards don't equal prison. Anyone that claims that is exaggerating. MAYBE THAT SCHOOL. But I wouldn't call that here in MC. Our schools have gangs (MS13 and others) and art and music by themselves I am sure are not turning things around there. So don't confuse my statement that I am an advocate for removing art/music. There isn't any reason why one HAS TO BE given up for the other. You'll note the story said the newest principal was the 5th in 6 years. That doesn't help a school. The newest one has been there 3 years. Constant turnover can really hurt a school. They also have put a little into the infrastructure it looks like (painting walls helps). That does a lot for overall attitude in a school. So perhaps a little school pride is coming back. Sounds like a little more than JUST art/music has turned the school around. Perhaps as opposed to the current principals predecessors there is a greater overall academic emphasis at the school. Unchallenged kids can be restless and disruptive. If they think art/music worked for them, great, but I think a little more analysis might warrant why. So I am not discounting that the art is a big part of the schools overall comeback. They didn't go into detail what the security "infrastructure" was but I would NEVER sacrifice security. Cut back, ok, but eliminate, absolutely not.

  5. Paula BienenfeldMay 2, 2013 at 1:42 PM

    A long time ago when 'computer labs' were being installed everywhere in the schools, someone wrote an article asking people to question, what was the space used for before the 'computer labs' were installed. In many cases, it was the art room.

  6. I know of at least two MCPS HS's that have lost one security assistant each over the last two years. I don't know what they were replaced with. Whether it was for an art teacher, music teacher, math, etc, etc. All I do know is that those two schools suffered many drug arrests and thefts of cell phones and the like before the loss of those security positions and now there is even more of both. Instead of taking safety and security seriously, we like to pretend there's not a problem.


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