
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Starr's MCBRE Blocks Parents' Coalition from Twitter Feed

When the Parents' Coalition Twitter Account tries to Follow MCBRE's Twitter feed, this is the message we get. We have been blocked.

 How much MCPS Operating Budget funding is going to MCBRE? Anyone know?


  1. I guess this is the equivalent of "I'm going to take my ball and go home". What a bunch of children. This is easy to overcome they have to know that or are they that stupid. "Oh the PC will never know what we're tweeting...ha ha!"

  2. They are allowed to block you, this isn't news.

  3. "They" - Who is they? Why don't you tell us since it is a MCPS taxpayer funded organization. And, why don't you tell us how they have spent their taxpayer dollars for the last 13 years.
    "They" are allowed to take MILLIONS in taxpayer dollars with ZERO accountability?

    What planet are you from?

    1. I'm talking about the people who run the account. Twitter is free, so bringing up tax dollars really isn't relevant here.

      Also, it's "who are they" in your response. Your grammar is almost as good as your argument, Ms. Sartucci.

    2. Actually tax dollars are relevant. That's why they blocked us. We asked about their funding and so they blocked us so funding would not be mentioned. They are a publicly funded entity blocking discussion of their funding.

      Fortunately my grammar doesn't cost taxpayers millions of dollars, but MCBRE does. Citizens have a right to know how much of their tax dollars MCBRE is receiving and what they are doing with those dollars.

      Every million to MCBRE is a million less for classrooms.

    3. This is fascinating. Anonymous would allow public officials to bar members of the public from discussions concerning public duties based on the opinions of those members of the public. How timely given the actions of the good little fascists working for the Adminsitration at IRS.

      Starr wants the luxury of musing without acountability. With all that is happening in Washington, our Constitutional Republic may be slipping through our fingers, but until Starr and his ilk get bad haircuts, don Members Only jackets, and assume the mantel of dictatorship, they cannot avoid acocuntability.

      In this regard, Ms. Sartucci, if the Coalition continues to be blocked, there are plenty of us willing to forward the feeds.

    4. Just checked, yes we are still blocked.

  4. The time has passed and he is gone
    But, still lingers a lasting legacy
    For during his tense,tenuous tenure
    The county schools slowly transformed
    Into hasty shelters of social emergency.

    Dr. Waste's long, lingering, lasting legacy
    Has triggered an urgent, all out emergency
    And requires an infusion of cash & currency
    To act with an absolute sense of urgency!


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