
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Can law enforcement investigations be "shut down" for "partisan reasons" in Montgomery County?

That's the allegation from former Montgomery County Inspector General Thomas Dagley in today's WUSA9 story:

In  May, Montgomery County's former Inspector General Thomas Dagley wrote to Kanstoroom, alleging that law enforcement investigations into the matter had been "shut down" for "partisan reasons."  

If Mr. Dagley's allegation is true then that would explain a lot about why investigations in to MCPS procurement and spending never result in reports to the public.


  1. Yes they can. Councilmember says stop, and IG stops.

  2. The current IG is spending his time and our tax dollars on such pressing issues as, 'trees were planted in the wrong place.' Full report here: From the report: "Three planting seasons and 1,170 tree plantings were covered by this review. We did not review
    the legal or fiscal authority for the County’s tree planting services program, nor did we conduct a best practices comparison to the tree planting policies of other jurisdictions."


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