
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Exclusive: Starr Eliminates 7 Keys

Superintendent Joshua Starr is "re-branding" Montgomery County Public Schools.

Gone are Superintendent Jerry Weast's 7 Keys.

Here's the draft of new MCPS "Brand" as shown in a brochure that was presented to the Board of Education at yesterday's off-camera meeting.  Superintendent Starr presented this brochure to the BOE and informed them that it was important that we "re-brand now."



  1. "college and career" So, all the children will be successful in college. Good to know. Metrics? Ok, here are some of the metrics: 'hope, engagement, and well being.' Does anyone have more specifics on how MCPS will be measuring these three factors? Thanks.

  2. I thought that the "seven keys" were BS from the get-go, as they basically stated that one had to be performing at one-two years above grade level.

    um...shouldn't grade-level work prepare one for college?

  3. "respect" "relationships" "equity" Why the focus on this, now?!!!! Because, Josh knows that their is little respect and dysfunctional and abusive relationships in MCPS starting right in central office. All you have to do is look at the county engagement/culture (Gallup) surveys to make this conclusion. When only half of your principals are engaged and only a third of your teaching staff, you know you have big problems brewing.

  4. My experience with the staff of MCPS involves a direct "spillage" from the central office. There was a culture of deception, intimidation, coverup and disrespect for the parent of a child with disabilities. There was also a lack of transparency regarding crucial decisions made in deciding the appropriate placement of a child. Overall, integrity of staff was not treated as a priority, rather the focus became winning the battle at all costs. Core values, seven keys, etc. were not strongly followed and therefore I would have to agree with the comment on 6/20/13 that BS would be a good characterization of such a presentation. All is not well in the house of MCPS and corrective action is definitely needed. The question is who in the MCPS family is willing to plan the necessary corrective action? The first step would involve owning the problem. In that way, respect, relationships, equity, etc. might have some meaning.


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