
Friday, June 21, 2013

FieldTurf gets another MCPS Contract! Cost comes in at $205,178 OVER BUDGETED $1.1 Million!!!

It's another no bid artificial turf purchase for Montgomery County Public Schools and YOU will be footing the bill!

Yes, the Board of Education approved a plan to pay $1.1 million for the Wootton High School artificial turf football field.  As usual, MCPS took NO COMPETITIVE BIDS and immediately awarded the contract to FieldTurf.  

What is FieldTurf going to charge for the Wootton High School artificial turf football field?


Who is going to pay the difference? Why you are, of course.  Montgomery County taxpayers will once again be opening their wallets to pay for another no bid artificial turf purchase by MCPS.  Why exactly is it that MCPS doesn't have to put these massive purchases out for competitive bids? 

Below is Superintendent Starr's memo on the purchase for the June 24, 2013, Board of Education meeting.  You can ignore Superintendent Starr's smoke and mirrors. The "revenue" from this field will never cover the cost difference.  And, in any event, the bill has to be paid way before any revenue could ever be generated.

You can also ignore Superintendent Starr's ramblings about Keystone Purchasing Network.  We already know the Keystone prices are HIGHER than what FieldTurf charges when they submit COMPETITIVE BIDS. 

Why is it again that artificial turf football fields by FieldTurf only cost $614,958.84 in other jurisdictions but $1.3 MILLION in Montgomery County? 

1 comment:

  1. So unbelievable.
    You are so right.

    "There's a sucker born every minute."

    One million dollars we pay to poison our children.


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