
Monday, June 17, 2013

Parent is "seriously disgusted" with Doug Duncan's endorsed cell tower plan

A parent writes to the Anne Arundel Board of Education about the Milestone (Doug Duncan endorsed) agreement that now is seeking to put multiple cell towers on every public school site in Maryland counties. 

Daly Elementary School, Germantown
To the members of the Anne Arundel County Board of Education: 
I am a resident of Piney Orchard Elementary School [POES] with two [children] who will be attending Piney Orchard Elementary School in the next few years. I purchased my home nearly 10 years ago when Piney Orchard was still being developed because it seemed like the perfect place to raise a family and send my (future) kids to school. 
I have to say that I am beyond disappointed and frustrated by the conduct of the BOE regarding the Milestone Communications plans for installing a cell tower at Piney Orchard Elementary School. From my perspective, the BOE has not shown any concern whatsoever for the health, safety, and well-being of the children and staff members who attend this school everyday, or the residents who live nearby. 
The BOE (e.g., YOU) did not make any effort whatsoever to notify the students, parents, faculty and nearby residents of POES about the discussions you were having with Milestone regarding the installation of a cell tower at our elementary school (or any other AACo school, for that matter). Beyond that, I am seriously disgusted that you would have entered into a master lease agreement with Milestone to offer up EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL in this county as a possible cell tower site without AT LEAST giving the public reasonable notice and an opportunity to participate in the discussions. 
I'm willing to bet that you didn't consult any independent sources for health and safety research data during this process, let alone conduct your own investigation or analysis of potential risks posed by cell tower sites. The fact that you relied solely on data and information provided to you by Milestone is repulsive and quite frankly, embarrassing. 
It seems that new studies are emerging all the time that show strong correlations between cell tower emissions and increased health risks. I just don't understand why you think it's okay to gamble on our childrens' health? Why is it worth the risk? For a few thousand dollars in the county's education budget? Personally, I would happily pay several thousand dollars to keep my own children away from these dangerous utilities. 
Honestly, after this experience, my trust in the Anne Arundel County Board of Education has been shattered. I am completely convinced that you DO NOT have our childrens' best interests at heart. 
I vow to fight against placing this cell tower at POES for as long as it takes until a new tower site is selected that is at a sufficiently safe distance away from schools and homes. Additionally, I will continue to fight on behalf of all of the other schools in our county too...I have urged my delegates to introduce legislation that would ban cell towers from being constructed near schools and homes. This type of law currently exists in other counties and jurisdictions, and I believe that we can also pass it here in Anne Arundel County, or perhaps even the whole state of Maryland. 
I care about the children and residents of Anne Arundel County. Please demonstrate that you do too.
Anne Arundel parent 
2004 Israel Study
Study indicated an association between increased incidence of cancer and living in proximity to a Cell Tower. Those living near a Cell Tower are 4.15 times more likely to develop cancer. Authors: Ronni Wolf MD, Danny Wolf MD
Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer, 2004 German Study.
Ten year study conducted from 1994-2004, revealed that living within 400 meters of a cell Tower increased the risk of developing cancer by three hundred (300%) percent. Authors: Horst Eger, Klaus Uwe Hagen, Birgitt Lucas, Peter Vogel, Helmut Voit
Poland Military Study, 1996.
The Military Center for Radiation Safety studied the cancer death rates for all career military personal (approx 128,000 persons each year), for the 14 year period of 1971-1985. The study revealed that persons occupationally exposed to RF emissions were nearly twice as likely to develop brain tumors, 13.9 times more likely to develop chronic myeocylic leukemia, 8.62 times more likely to develop acute myeoblastic leukemia and 5.82 times more likely to develop non-hodgkin lymphomas. Department of Biological Effect of Non-Ionizing Radiations, Center for Radiobiology and Radiation Safety at the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidermiology, Warsaw, Poland.

The French Study 2002
Study of the health of people living in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations” (Cell Towers)
Study examined adverse health impacts of people living in close proximity to Cell Towers and any disparity of such impact on females as compared to males. Based upon adverse affects reported, conclusion was that Cell Towers should not be constructed less than 300 meters from populations.

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