
Friday, June 21, 2013

Patch: Parents: Rock Terrace Staff Bilked Students Out of Work-Study Earnings


  1. Question: Were the students involved employed by MCPS? Or were the Rock Terrace students employed by another entity? Who issued the W-2s that some of the students didn't receive?

  2. Answer: the W2s were issued by Montgomery County Public Schools. They were not mailed to the students' homes, instead, they were sent to 390 Martins Lane, Rockville (the address of Rock Terrace) and not given to the students!!

  3. Where were the bank acciunts set up? Which banks?

  4. 'bilked' is hardly the word. This appears to be fraud. 1. A Maryland 'quasi-state' agency sets up numerous bank acccounts at, I assume, banks that are regulated by the Federal government, 2. This 'quasi-state' agency then completes Federal W-2 forms which, as we all know, need to be signed. Then 3. this 'quasi-state' agency pays people without notifying their legal guardians, and then deposits the funds into into these bank accounts. Am I understanding this correctly? Withdrawing the funds is the least of their problems.

  5. The accounts were set up at the former Montgomery County Teachers Federal Credit Union, which subsequently became the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union.

  6. Thanks. So the mechanics of this are that: 1. An MCPS employee at Rock Creek set up multiple accounts-or was it one account?- with this Credit Union, which is regulated by the Federal Government, and no one at the Credit Union questioned setting up the account(s). Were there multiple accounts? 2. Funds then went from an employer- What is the name of the employer?- to this Credit Union, and then 3. Funds were withdrawn by an MCPS employee at Rock Creek. Have I got this right? And the legal guardians of the student employees were never notified. Here is the website to report fraud to the Federal Government: And here is the fraud hotline no.: 703-518-6550.

  7. My son went to Rock Terrace School during the early 2000's. There were questionable practices going on then. I was told that my son's money would be put into a bank account, but when I asked to see a bank statement or see some type of accounting of the funds, I was told I wasn't allowed to have access to it. They said that all of the funds earned by the students were used to pay for programs at the school. Shouldn't the county have paid for the programs at the school? On more than one occasion, I sent money into the school for various things and never got anything in return. We never received any W-2's. I wish I had kept the e-mails that supported this information, but I deleted most everything relating to Rock Terrace when he graduated. I hope you can get to the bottom of this. I'll be monitoring this blog.

    1. Please call the State's Attorney for Montgomery County and file a complaint. The ONLY way this will be stopped is if victims report the potential crimes to the State's Attorney for investigation and Prosecution. MCPS does not do criminal prosecutions and will not be providing restitution to families. FAMILIES MUST STEP UP and file complaints with the Prosecutor.

    2. Please call the State's Attorney for Montgomery County and file a complaint. The ONLY way this will be stopped is if victims report the potential crimes to the State's Attorney for investigation and Prosecution. MCPS does not do criminal prosecutions and will not be providing restitution to families. FAMILIES MUST STEP UP and file complaints with the Prosecutor.

    3. Please call the State's Attorney for Montgomery County and file a complaint. The ONLY way this will be stopped is if victims report the potential crimes to the State's Attorney for investigation and Prosecution. MCPS does not do criminal prosecutions and will not be providing restitution to families. FAMILIES MUST STEP UP and file complaints with the Prosecutor.

    4. Please call the State's Attorney for Montgomery County and file a complaint. The ONLY way this will be stopped is if victims report the potential crimes to the State's Attorney for investigation and Prosecution. MCPS does not do criminal prosecutions and will not be providing restitution to families. FAMILIES MUST STEP UP and file complaints with the Prosecutor.

    5. Anonymous: you should find out if your child had one of those bank accounts. You can do that by taking your son to the credit union (Educational Services Credit Union) on the Rockville Pike, across from King Farm. They can look it up via his social security number (but are unlikely to do it unless he is present(.

    6. @Anonymous 6/28/13, that is interesting, that the kids at Rock Terrace had to work to pay for their education. My children went to Walter Johnson HS. They did not have to work to pay for their education. We did pay illegal fees for music, foreign language, books, and the like, however, no student and no parents/guardians were told the children had to work to pay for their education. There are a lot of historical analogies to this situation, none of them pretty. All of them illegal today.

    7. I will try to find out if he actually had an account. If he did, I will file the complaint. Thanks for your replies. I hope all of the kids get what they earned and deserve.

  8. How long has this been going on? And how many children were involved?


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