
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

$50,400 Spent in One Month Against Two Families

The new MCPS Legal Fees report is out for April, 2013.

Josh Starr, Superintendent of Schools, self-proclaimed "Social Justice Warrior," spent $50,400 in the month of April fighting families of children with disabilities. This staggering sum represents outside counsel legal fees for two (count 'em, two) administrative hearings.

So far this year, MCPS has spent $300,570 to outside counsel in special education matters alone! This sum does not include everything spent on special education dispute resolution, which also includes the whole office of Equity Assurance and Compliance, and the Legal Services Unit.

Can't wait to see how much money Josh Starr will spend on legal fees relating to the alleged mismanagement of student funds at Rock Terrace. Of course, if Starr really were a "Social Justice Warrior" he would just hire accountants to figure out how much each student is owed, and pay it. Anyone want to take bets on whether Rock Terrace families will see justice?


  1. Good luck getting anyone on the County Council to take an interest in this. They approve the $2.1BILLION annual budget each year, no questions asked.

  2. Well, MCPS better take notice. There are additional costly special ed battles coming, including, hopefully, lawsuits and Federal investigations. More negative publicity. Sooner or later, the piper has to be paid for the horrible ways some of the families have been treated.


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