
Monday, July 8, 2013

BOE & Starr Blow Off Council Education Committee discussion of MCPS Surplus

  • 5% cut backs for other Montgomery County agencies for FY 2014 while MCPS boasts a $21.8 million surplus for FY 2013 
  • The $21.8 million surplus includes 185 vacant school based positions. 
When the Montgomery County Council's Education Committee met on July 8, 2013, to discuss the Monthly Financial Report of MCPS, Superintendent Joshua Starr and the Board of Education members were absent. In fact, there weren't even any Deputy Superintendents or Associate Superintendents in attendance at the committee meeting.

The only representative from MCPS at this discussion was the new MCPS Director of Management and Budget, Thomas P. Klausing.

Where were Superintendent Starr and all of the BOE members during this important budget discussion?

Discussion of MCPS surplus starts at minute 1:25 of the YouTube video:


  1. Replies
    1. Oh, no. That wouldn't cost the taxpayers nearly enough money!

    2. Here's where the Superintendent and others are this week:


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