
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Courageous Young Men Leadership Camp

Watch the MCPS video:

(*just wondering why there isn't a Courageous Young Women Leadership Camp?)


  1. Who pays for the camp?

  2. Good question: a few more:
    1. How are young men selected for the camp?
    2. Who bought all the shirts?
    3. Who pays the salaries of the counselors?
    4. Were kids with disabilities included or excluded?
    5. Is there a camp for girls?
    6. Are the MCPS employees benefiting personally from operating this camp?
    7. How much did they pay Lamont Carey to speak at the camp?
    8. What was the per-camper cost? Did their parents pay or did they receive "camperships."?

  3. I can't speak for this camp but know of others that only are for a selected few. Not all students are eligible (or asked) to attend these camps.

  4. Wow. Instead of saying, "great, some kids benefitted from a week long camp and learned some awesome skills," you have to tear it apart. I know for a fact that those that put this camp on are working to create a camp for girls. Counselors and principals made the selection. This was a VERY good thing done by good hearted and well meaning people. You all should be ashamed for seeing evil where there is none.

    1. Prove it. Facts? Let's hear them. Be COURAGEOUS!

      Where in the law does it say that boys get things first and girls get them later...? Ever heard of discrimination?

      "Those that put this camp on" = Who? Who put this camp on and with what funding.

      You should be ashamed for not having the guts to prove your point and hiding behind an anonymous comment. If you want to discuss what you know about this camp then step up with facts. Right now all the public knows is what is in this video.

    2. And let's just highlight what this un-Courageous anonymous commenter wrote:

      "Counselors and principals made the selection."

      Who funded this camp? Did the Counselors and Principals select any children with learning disabilities? We get that they were only allowed to "select" boys, but what about special education needs? Were those students included or excluded?

  5. The clip says this is the second year of this camp. Apparently MCPS does not have to follow Title IX. Oh, wait, what am I thinking? It's Montgomery County, of course no need to follow the law.

  6. This camp was put together by the two men in the video. Did you see the video? With the help of others. As I mentioned in my first post, the same group of people that put this camp on are working to do a camp for girls as well. Did you read my first post? I don't know the particulars about funding, etc, etc. I do know though that nothing was done with the hate and meaness that you seem to think they did it with. Finally, of course I am going to stay anonymous. I was involved in a minor capacity with this camp and I am an MCPS employee and although I am not speaking for MCPS or the group of people that put this together, I know what I know.

    1. Well, who does know the "particulars" about funding? The video shows MCPS facilities, MCPS staff and you say MCPS staff "selected" the campers.

      Typical bullying language in your comment. You learned that in MCPS?
      You are confusing the LAW with "feelings". Sorry, it's about the law. Girls and students with disabilities have the legal right to participate in publicly funded programs. Time for you to do some reading and learn the law.

      Seriously, hope you are not involved in teaching students to be "courageous". Part of being courageous is having the courage of your convictions.

  7. I think camps are GREAT for kids. But if it is paid for by public money, there are just some rules (well, ok, LAWS) that have to be adhered to. I'm highly suspicious of a public camp, held at a public school facility, where school principals and counselors pick and choose who gets to go and who does not get to go.

    On the other hand, if the gentlemen that started the camp set up a non-profit, got funding from donors, paid the market rate for use of MCPS facilities, etc etc, why the reluctance to say so?

    Or is this camp an attempt to "close the achievement gap" by getting "buy in" from at-risk kids? If so, that's a laudable goal....but camping is not the mission of the public school system.

  8. To those of you with daughters: looks like your children were discriminated against. They did not get 'chosen' for what seems to be a publicly-funded summer camp because they are girls. Although it sounds like plans are in the works for a girls-only segregated camp in the future. What would Malala say?


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