
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

ABC7: Tattoo included name of a 7 year old female student


  1. The Washington Post article back in APRIL mentioned the "tattoo":

  2. The pattern of grooming the victims and the horror of so many victims highlights the evil. Early intervention is so necessary. MCPS principals are not the experts and should not have the power to block investigations.

  3. Well we also know that sometime the MCPS principals and administrators are the perpetrators and facilitators. Seriously, where was Bronda Mills during any of this? What is her responsibility/job duties - I would really like to understand that.

  4. Maybe Bronda Mills was busy "monitoring" the Kemp Mill ES problems? Tough for community supts. to juggle several troubling situations in their assigned schools, I suppose.

  5. Well I personally spoke with Bronda Mills and Frank Soo Hoo when I thought the Kemp Mill problem was bullying (which was incredibly vicious), before I learned about the abuse to my child. Janet Johnson, Pupil Personnel Worker, went with me to the meeting. At the end of the meeting I was in tears. I said to Janet, "they are not going to help me" she said "no they have no intention of helping you, they just want to see if he (Starnes) followed procedures." I later learned that Johnson was fully aware that at least one year prior, Kemp Mill children had been abused and become suicidal. I don't know which is worse - to pretend to help - or to make no pretense to help. Certainly none of the adminsitrators acted in good faith and in the best interest of the children. Meantime, children were transferring over to Arcola ES, moving to private schools, and moving out of the neighborhood as fast as their parents could get them out. Starnes is still the principal? Come on MCPS, time to clean house.


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