
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Breaking News: Starr puts Athletic Trainer at Whitman HS, but not Gaithersburg HS.

Another secret decision by Superintendent Joshua Starr.
In July, Superintendent Starr slipped out a memo that stated that Athletic Trainers were being put at "certain" schools for the 2013-2014 school year.  Did parents know that Athletic Trainers were even a possibility?  No.

Yet, here's the list of Superintendent Starr's surprise appointments of Athletic Trainers.  Did your high school get one?  Superintendent Starr's kids are in the Whitman Cluster.  Whitman HS got an Athletic Trainer.


  1. So the two lowest schools with FARM rates get trainers but the two schools with the highest FARM rates don't?
    And he calls himself a social justice warrior!

  2. Why are we looking at FARMS rates vs. trainers? Wouldn't you be placing trainers in the schools with the highest concentration of student athletes? Or even the highest concentration of injuries/concussions? Yes, FARMS rates are important, yes, making sure we have equity is important, but once in a while we have to realize that there are other factors that come into play when making decisions. And by the way anonymous, it wasn't the two lowest FARM rate schools that didn't get athletic trainers, one of them did, Kennedy at 52%, got a trainer.

    I am not sure why this was reported in this manner by the group who put it together but I would have been interested in having them ask MCPS first why those schools got trainers vs. trying to sensationalize the information. I used to love this group for reporting information no one else reported and for bringing important issues forward and having meaningful and balanced discussions. Now all it ever feels like is that you attack, attack, attack. How disappointing.

    1. Oh, so you want to ask MCPS? Go ahead. Since Superintendent Starr DENIED that any athletic trainers would be placed at schools I am sure you will get a straight answer from him. Tweet him the question right now... we'll wait for the answer.

      Not sure why this was reported in this manner? Really? So you haven't noticed that 2 BOE members live in the Whitman Cluster and the Superintendent moved to the Whitman Cluster?

      Yes, there is a reason to point out FARMS rates, access to medical services! A minor concussion can easily run $4,000 - $10,000. Who do you see having the resources to afford good post-concussion care, FARMS or non-FARMS students?

  3. I'm looking to create a data display that lets parents examine FARMS rates, student assessment scores, and overcapacity, in order to help parents assess the CIP. Trouble is, I can't find FARMS rates by school in Montgomery County. Anyone know where to get that? Would prefer 2013-14, but last year would be okay, too. I'm planning on preparing an online, interactive data visualization, and will share back once it's ready.

    1. Schools at a Glance on the MCPS website has all the FARMS data for each school.

  4. @Anonymous, not sure how far you are on your project but want to let you know that the Civic Fed, Taxpayers League and Parents' Coalition are teaming up with the Sunlight Foundation for a hackathon, #hackMontgomery, for early in the New Year. Right now we are looking for a location to hold the hackathon, a place near metro, where we can serve food. Hope you can make it. For updates we are on twitter at @hackMontgomery.


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