
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

State BOE: "Maryland has a free public education responsibility."

Attention MCPS Parents, Guardians and Students:

In Maryland, public school is free! Your child is not to be charged a fee to attend a class where credit is earned!

In 2010, the Maryland State Board of Education was concerned when they were told by a member of the Parents' Coalition that students in Montgomery County were being charged fees to attend public school classes.  As a result, the State Board of Education did a survey of all Maryland public school systems to determine if curricular fees were being charged.  The letter that the State Board of Education President sent to each public school system is shown below.  In the letter the State Board of Education President reminded each Superintendent that "Maryland has a free public education responsibility."

If your local MCPS school tries to charge your child a fee to attend a public school class, show them this letter from the State Board of Education President and remind them that Maryland law entitles your child to a free public education.

1 comment:

  1. Also, on September 18, 2012 the BOE Policy Committee “asked staff to provide information at a future meeting concerning the minimum and maximum approved dollar amounts for fees, the impact of fees on the courses offered, how many waivers have been granted, and whether there are other organizations (such as booster clubs) collecting fees for the schools.” ( Where’s the information?


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