
Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Washington Post: Sex between students and teachers should not be a crime

Don't look for any in depth coverage of MCPS teacher Lawrence Joynes pornography, rape or child abuse trials in the upcoming months from The Washington Post

The title of The Washington Post piece sums up the article:


  1. As of 12:30 pm on Sat, 8/30/13, the WashPost story at this link has logged 1,532 comments.

    The WashPost policy on comments appears to be to allow them for op-eds it publishes in favor of sex between adult and child but to prohibit them for news stories about MCPS teachers who have sexual relations with students.

    Is the Graham family's sales price for the Wash Post at closing tied to readership volume, one metric for which is on-line comments? Is that why the Wash Post Op Ed page staff chose to publish this piece over all other options?

    Does the piece reflect Graham family values? Bezos family values?

  2. That op-ed left me speechless.


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