
Saturday, August 17, 2013

WPost Editorial: Joshua Starr "turned a blind eye to Mr. Joynes’s behavior over the years, even after complaints were filed"

The Washington Post's Editorial today doesn't name Superintendent Joshua Starr and doesn't identify the MCPS "spokesman".  All we know is that it was a "man", which one?

Once again we see whitewash and hogwash from The Washington Post.  Can't the Post Editors read?  We can. We've seen the Statement of Charges from the rape charges and nothing about that 7 page document says that the accused teacher was "beloved".  What the Statement of Charges does allege is that back in 1991-1993 the Eastern Middle School principal suspected something was wrong with the relationship between the teacher, Mr. Joynes, and a student and allowed that relationship to continue.

Concerns about this teacher continued into 2011 when Superintendent Joshua Starr took over in MCPS. Superintendent Starr allowed this teacher to stay in the classroom with "restrictions" on his contact with his 5, 6, and 7 year old students. Superintendent Joshua Starr was responsible for allowing this teacher to continue in a classroom, even when significant concerns had been documented.

The Washington Post calls for "whatever protocol" to be established by MCPS. Hey, Post Editors, it's really, really simple.  
When child abuse is suspected teachers, administrators, and custodians of children are to pick up their "smart" phones and call CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES at 240-777-4417.

Wow. Look at that. A protocol right there in one sentence.

Why didn't Superintendent Joshua Starr make that call when he became the MCPS Superintendent in 2011?


  1. Quick--take a screen shot of WP comments for this Editorial. WP practice is to allow comments in child abuse stories and editorials (Penn State-Sandusky) but not when MCPS involved. So comments won't be up long.

    It takes a village to keep a school system safe for pedophiles, and WP with its gag order on comments is one of MCPS's village elder.

  2. Dr. Starr and Dr. Weist before him continue to ignore the situation at Kemp Mill ES in Silver Spring. In May, MCPS silenced six teachers who filed a nine-figure lawsuit against the principal Floyd Starnes with a settlement on the eve of the trial. Starnes confirmed that he lied to have teachers fired, falsified records, sexually harassed staff members by calling them "honey","sweetie" and "babe", groped male staff members, and took male students with him alone in closets, including on the weekends. His own admin secretary blew the whistle on this deviant over two years ago.

    The assistant state's attorney, MCPD and CPS did nothing to stop this monster.

    Remarkably, Starnes still holds his position at KMES. Hopefully those children don't have to wait till they are 30 to get justice.

  3. con todos estos comentarios ,"unamosno y salgamos a las calles,y pidamos q' cierren las escuelas publicas........nuestros hijos crren peligro en las escuelas , su sistema de educacion es "macabro"mi hijo fu victima de abuso psicologico ,y fisico........presente mi queja a las escuelas mongomery,me respondio (chair)GEORGE respuesta fue; hemos investigado y no hemos encontrdo pruebas...........paremos el abuso.NOW!!!!


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